Heres the 7 links that are added at the top of the page and a description of what each one does:ġ) clicking 'Append text to title' link, pops up a user prompt and then appends the entered text to all titles in batchĢ) 'Append text to description' link, pops up a user prompt and then appends the entered text to all descriptions in batchģ) 'down arrow graphic' ( ) next to first title input box, copies that title to all other images in batchĤ) 'down arrow graphic' ( ) next to first description input box, copies that description to all other images in batchĥ) 'down arrow graphic' ( ) next to first tags input box, copies those tags to all other images in batchĦ) Search + Replace Titles, asks you to enter the text you wish to replace, and the text that you wish to replace it with,it then performs the replacement.ħ) Search + Replace Descriptions, asks you to enter the text you wish to replace, and the text that you wish to replace it with, it then performs the replacement.
This GreaseMonkey script adds 7 new tools to the batch operations page, which you can get to by going to the Organiser, selecting the images you want to edit, then go to the edit photos menu then select 'titles tags and descriptions'